Smart Ways to Avoid Timeshare Fraud
Today, if you plan to purchase a timeshare, the chances that you may end up in a fraud or scam is very much possible. The timeshare industry now has become a new haven of scammers who are quick at extracting considerable amount of money either from people who plan to buy a timeshare or those owners who want to get out of their timeshare contracts. For those who are just a way ahead of their timeshare purchase, beware as your dream vacation which you may have been planning for a long time could end up being a nightmare for you.
The Initial Enticement There are already many people who have been victims of unscrupulous behaviour of some individuals. Before making a decision to buy a timeshare, think and be cautious. At first, these scammers will lure you into thinking about buying a timeshare. They will present great offers and packages that may sound exciting. But these are just their first step to set you in a trap. Thus, you should be cautious and avoid being impulsive.
The Actual Timeshare Presentation The timeshare companies are well-known for their high-pressure and intensive selling techniques. The same methods employed by these scammers. They have this catchy style of marketing techniques that usually starts with an invitation to a timeshare presentation. Usually, they would offer you a gift if you attend the presentation. In some cases, they may also inform you that you have won a gift and that you can claim it by attending the free timeshare presentation. Once you fall prey to it as you attend the presentation, it can turn into a high-pressure selling technique and they won’t let you get out of it unless you end up signing the contract. Sometimes, the property they describe in the presentation is not what you can expect in reality. Much worst, in some cases, the property might not even exist at all. Therefore, you should read all documents that they will be send you. More importantly, refuse to sign the paper if they will force you to do so regardless of whatever great-sounding offer it might be.
Your Final Decision It is also a better idea if you consult a lawyer before signing any documents if you really intend to own one and see if all the promises are included on the legal document. So, before buying a timeshare, research more on the company offering that property and verify their existence. Remember that owning a timeshare nowadays is not that easy. There are a number of disadvantages that goes along with it. In addition to that, the number of owners who try to get rid of their timeshares is already increasing. So, if you plan to buy a timeshare, make sure that you will not fall prey to these deceiving fraudsters.